November 2023 – Judgement, Exile, & Return

Bible: MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME:  JUDGEMENT, EXILE & RETURN – 1 Samuel - Malachi Family Fun Challenge: Seed Art Ag: Georgia Agriculture Field Trip: Ray's Pecan Orchard - Ray City, GA Fall is upon us. That means harvest time on a farm. The work is almost done, and...

October 2023 – The Promised Land

Bible: The Wilderness:  Learning to Submit             Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy Family Fun Challenge:  Build a Fire Ag:  Equine - Submission Field Trip:  Sept 21st                   Grace Reigns Horsemanship & Farm                   1644...

September 2023 – The Wilderness

Bible: The Wilderness:  Learning to Submit             Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy Family Fun Challenge:  Build a Fire Ag:  Equine - Submission Field Trip:  Sept 21st                   Grace Reigns Horsemanship & Farm                   1644...

July 2023 – The Flood & The Tower of Babel

Bible: THE FLOOD & THE TOWER OF BABEL – Genesis 6-11 Family Fun Challenge: Survive the Flood & Build a Tower Ag: Wildlife & Natural Resources Field Trip: South GA Taxidermy & Custom Processing, Jacksonville, GA Where should we start with the Flood? It...

June 2023 – Creation and the Fall

Bible: CREATION – Genesis 1-5 Family Fun Challenge: Tire stack Ag: Overview of Agriculture & Gardens Field Trip: Lanier Farms Bible Drill Verses: (See for more information. Children - 3rd-5th grades* So God created man in his own image,...

Start Here

Before we get get rolling, I wanted to mention a couple of things that will help us really dig into the Word. First, however you decide to study through the Biblical accounts each month is totally up to you. Feel free to simply review the current Biblical accounts, or...